yoshiko tsukiori

Lawrence King is releasing a Yoshiko Tsukiori's series of simple pattern books in English. They're basically series of basic dress blocks, customizable, and loosely fitted with very few darts and no zippers. 

Japanese patterns are laid out on top of each other on a big sheet and then you trace them onto pattern paper or parchment paper. They don't include seam allowance. The patterns can be traced with two pencils tied together with an elastic band, which will add in a 1 cm seam allowance. I've just stopped bothering and sew without a seam allowance, since the patterns are loosely fitted anyway. The book does assume you have a serger. If you don't, burda has an alternate technique for finishing edges.

So far, I've done A and F patterns. I had to hem the "F" into a blouse. The fabric I used made it look like a nightgown as a dress. Good pattern, though. I like this collar that was adapted onto one of her patterns from the book. 

Original published on hundreds.ca/notebook on June 16, 2013