A podcast about publishing culture from a design perspective

season 2: Bruno Munari and the book as a total object

Audio essay (Part 1) Munari’s “poetics of paper and ink” // info + gallery // transcript

Audio essay (Part 2) The “gentle revolution” and Munari’s work from 1962 to 1972 // info + gallery // transcript

An interview with Bruno Munari’s publisher Corraini Edizioni // info + gallery // transcript

A reading of Munari’s essay “Children’s Books” from Design as Art (1966) // info + gallery

Season 1: archiving and circulating

An interview with the Te Awhi-Rito New Zealand Reading Ambassador for children and young people Ben Brown (Ngāti Mahuta, Ngāti Koroki, Ngāti Paoa): traditional and emerging literacies, storytelling, and the role of the book in youth justice. // info + gallery // transcript

Audio essay: What is the allure of the archive? I visited poet Lisa Robertson’s archive to find out // info + gallery // transcript

Audio essay: Can we use the book as a net to capture our fleeting thoughts? Nabokov, Proust, and notebook thinking // info + gallery // transcript

Audio essay on the form of the book in the 21st century, originally published in Amphora Magazine, No. 178 // info


spark joy podcast // iTunes · Spotify

A conversation with the Spark Joy podcast about the book as an object, haptic design, Tsundoku, book recommendations, discarding dust jackets, and what it means to live with books late into the print era.