akihtâsona · numbers poster in Cree

This printable poster (use button at bottom of post to download) displays numbers 1 – 10 in Cree, in both the y-dialect spoken in Alberta and southern Saskatchewan, also known as nêhiyawêwin or Plains Cree, and in the n-dialect also known as Swampy Cree or nêhinawêwin, spoken in Manitoba and the Saskatchewan communities of Cumberland House and Shoal Lake.

The lovely illustration (used with permission) is by Julie Flett adapted from her book We All Count. Arden Ogg of the Cree Literacy Network, who wrote the preface for We All Count, generously lent her time to copyedit this poster. Thanks, Arden!

The poster is 11 x 17 inches, so if your printer can print it on a 12 x 18 sheet of paper, that's perfect. Otherwise, print on a standard tabloid sheet and "shrink to fit". 

There is a pronunciation chart on the poster, but this little numbers song on YouTube might help if you've never heard the numbers spoken (it helped me)

Original published on hundreds.ca/notebook on July 10, 2017